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作者:Novus官网 发布日期:2014-09-25 09:00

肿瘤干细胞(Cancer stem cell, CSC)假说是近年来提出的关于肿瘤发生的新概念,在所有的肿瘤细胞中,可能只有小部分细胞具有产生肿瘤并维持肿瘤生长和异质性的能力,这一小部分细胞被称作肿瘤干细胞。目前已经在白血病、乳腺癌、脑癌等肿瘤组织中成功分离出了肿瘤干细胞,深入了解肿瘤干细胞的生物学特性、发展相应的鉴别方法以及特殊的治疗手段对癌症的临床治疗有着重要的意义。


Catalog:H6-NBP1-77687Product: ABCB5 AntibodySpecies: Hu, MuApplications: IF, ICC, IHC-P Catalog:H6-NB600-1071Product: CD34 (MEC 14.7) AntibodySpecies: MuApplications: ELISA, FACS, ICC, IF,IHC-Fr, IHC-P, IP, WB
Catalog:H6-NBP1-44703Product: CD34 (QBEnd-10) AntibodySpecies: Hu, MkApplications: Func, FACS, IHC-Fr, IHC-P,IP, WB Catalog:H6-NBP1-86010Product: CD38 AntibodySpecies: HuApplications: IHC-P, WB
Catalog:H6-NBP1-31488Product: CD44 AntibodySpecies: HuApplications: : ICC, IF, IHC-P, WB Catalog:H6-NBP1-42067Product: CD90/Thy1 (EPR3132) AntibodySpecies: Hu, RtApplications: ICC, IHC-P, WB
Catalog:H6-NBP1-47729Product: EpCAM (4G10) AntibodySpecies: HuApplications: : IF, IHC-P, WB Catalog:H6-NBP1-95700Product: EpCAM Antibody (EPR677(2))Species: HuApplications: ICC, IHC-P, W
Catalog:H6-M-009-100Product: p75 NGF Receptor (MLR2)AntibodySpecies: GP, Hu, Mu, RtApplications: FACS, IF, IHC-Fr, WB 相关指标ABCB5 CD44CD24 CD90CD34 EpCAMCD38 p75 NGF Recepto


1.[CD34 Antibody NB600-1071) Fiorina P, Pietramaggiori G, Scherer SS, et al. The mobilization and effect of endogenous bone marrow progenitor cells in diabetic wound healing. Cell Transplant. 2010;19(11):1369- 81. [PMID: 20977829]

2.[CD34 Antibody NB600-1071] Kalabis J, Oyama K, Okawa T, Nakagawa H, Michaylira CZ, Stairs DB, Figueiredo JL, Mahmood U, Diehl JA, Herlyn M, Rustgi AK. A subpopulation of mouse esophageal basal cells has properties of stem cells with the capacity for self-renewal and lineage specification. J Clin Invest. 2008 Dec;118(12):3860-9.

3.[CD44 Antibody AP00142PU-N] Walker F, Zhang H-H, Odorizzi A, Burgess AW. LGR5 Is a Negative Regulator of Tumorigenicity, Antagonizes Wnt Signalling and Regulates Cell Adhesion in Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines. PLoSONE. 201. [PMID 21829496]

4.[EpCAM Antibody NB110-56958] Kalabis J, Oyama K, Okawa T, Nakagawa H, Michaylira CZ, Stairs DB, Figueiredo JL, Mahmood U, Diehl JA, Herlyn M, Rustgi AK. A subpopulation of mouse esophageal basal cells has properties of stem cells with the capacity for self-renewal and lineage specification. J Clin Invest. 2008 Dec;118(12):3860-9.

5.[EpCAM Antibody NB110-56958] Ralhan R, Cao J, Lim T, et al, EpCAM nuclear localization identifies aggressive Thyroid Cancer and is a marker for poor prognosis ,BMC Cancer 10 (2010) 331

6.[EpCAM Antibody NB110-56958] Maetzel D, Denzel S, Mack B, et al, Nuclear signalling by tumor-associated antigen EpCAM ,Nature Cell Biology11 (2009) 162-171. (IP)

7.[p75 NGF Receptor Antibody M-009-100] Wiese S, Herrmann T, Drepper C, Jablonka S, Funk N, Klausmeyer A, Rogers ML, Rush RA & Sendtner M (2009) Isolation and enrichment of embryonic mouse motoneurons from the lumbar spinal cord of individual mouse embryos. Nat Protoc. 2010;5(1):31-8

8.[p75 NGF Receptor Antibody M-006-100 and NGF Receptor Antibody NB100-1539] Davies A. et al (2010) The alpha2delta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels form GPI-anchored proteins, a post translational modification essential for function Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Jan 26;107(4):1654-9???????金沙6165总站线路检测生物代理截止时间:2017年6月30日